My Brother

Created by Martin 25 days ago
This is something I hadn’t planned on doing for a very long time, but sometimes life doesn’t play out the way that you had planned it, and they’re in lies a lesson for all of us. Time is without a doubt, the most valuable commodity that we have here on earth, but it normally takes us until we are up in age to real realize this. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to live our lives knowing the day of our death, but I do believe it would rob us of the life that we have because we would always be thinking about that date. So the question to ask is, how are we living this life? Are we living it to the fullest, or are we letting it slip through our fingers and letting it go to waste? I hope it’s not the latter, as Mark truly did live it to the fullest. What is there to say about my brother? There are so many things that are flashing across my mind right now, but just for time sake I will let you into what an amazing guy he was and is. As kids, he was never that big bullying older brother, but more of a caring, doesn’t mind spending time with you, brother. Sometimes we would spend the whole day just playing darts in his bedroom, listening to his new music center, as well as putting a lot of holes in the surrounding cupboard doors. I always knew when I was going to be with Mark, we were going to have a great time, he was never one to let bad things get him down, he always chose to be happy. One of the sad parts though was the 4000 miles between us, but I believe we did everything we could do to see each other as much as our bank accounts would allow. And as with any siblings, there are always those memories that would start you laughing instantly, like “Once you’ve seen one boat, you’ve seen them all”, “one lump or two”, or the story of kicking a piece of lamb meat under a table until Mark threw up from laughing too much, as well as the moving of the door that had a mirror on it so my Dad could watch TV from the other room. To say he will be missed would be one of the greatest understatements someone could could make, watching a game of Arsenal will never be the same, and I will miss the video calls and the text messages that we would do almost weekly. I’m so proud to call him my brother, but even more so to call him my best friend. I have a massive hole in my heart that I don’t believe will ever get healed because of the impact he has had in my life. There is only one Mark Graddon, never to be duplicated or likened to, you truly were a one off, Bro. You have truly inspired me to live life to the fullest, but also to cherish every day that we receive. Well, thumbs up for now, bro. With all my love Mark, may you rest in peace.
